| 香港本地專員送禮時段 |
星期一 至 日 : 2 - 5 下午 / 5 - 8 晚上 ( 預約其他特別送禮時間需另外收費 )
- 不設即日訂購送禮服務 !! 請於 1 - 2 星期前預訂花禮 -
| 香港本地專員送禮收費 |
香港島市區 : HKD $100
九龍及新界市區 : HKD $100
山頂丶半山及南區 : HKD $150
東涌及馬灣 : HKD $200
迪士尼樂園區及機場 : HKD $250
( 各離島丶西貢等偏遠地區不設送禮服務 )
| 情人節送禮時段 |
凡於 2 月 13 - 14 日送禮訂單將安排 早上 10 點 - 晚上 8 點 內送出,
| 颱風丶特別天氣丶疫情及社會事件等特別情況 |
將會提早/即時聯絡客人緊貼送禮情況,因認情況關係有機會改期/改時段送禮,敬請留意!( 以上特別情況送禮時間可能延長,敬請留意 )
*** 八號或以上颱風信號丶黑色雷暴警告及社會事件交通停運受阻等,為人身保安全,將暫停送禮服務,可另約其後送禮日子及時段 **
At some point, you may wish to cancel an order. If this is the case, we ask that you give us at least 48 hours notice prior to delivery time. If we receive your cancellation request within 48 hours of delivery time, we reserve the right to charge you $100 as part of administrative fees. In the case that we have already purchase packaging materials and flowers, we may be unable to cancel your order. This is also the case if the package has already been shipped. You will be required to pay the full value of the purchase.
The process of cancelling an order begins with email at loveissilentonline@gmail.com . Please provide details about your order so that we can follow up effectively.
LOVE IS SILENT reserves the right to refuse requests for order amendments and alterations.
You must request any change to an order at least 48 hours before delivery. We cannot permit replacements and amendments that are made within 48 hours of pre-determined delivery. We cannot make an order amendment to products in the process of preparation or transportation. If we are able to make an amendment to the order, we cannot refund a discrepancy. If the amendment requires additional fees, the customer will be charged.
Flowers are perishable and natural. For this reason,LOVE IS SILENT is unable to accept refunds or returns. If you are unsatisfied with the flowers you have received, we encourage you to get in touch with us. We will deal with each case individually.